Chamber Blog--Positioning For Success

McDowell Chamber of Commerce is invested in the success of our county and works to create opportunities, facilitate economic growth, and promote our area as an enticing place to live, work, and play. Our goal is also to be an advocate for our businesses and help them thrive and grow. In Positioning For Success, we'll share tips, tools, expert advice, and resources to help you do just that--Thrive & Grow!
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Celebrating The Unsung Heroes

November marks the official month honoring the courage, fortitude, innovation, hard work, and sacrifice of the independent operator, the business owner, the sole-proprietor, the shopkeeper, the American dreamer! Entrepreneur and New York Times Best Selling Author, Harvey Mackay recently wrote a great column on the traits and characteristics of the Entrepreneur that I wanted to share with our readers.

Tina Wolfe

Tuesday, April 2, 2019
When NO Means Yes For Your Business

Trying to do too much and trying to do it perfectly will lead you to mediocrity and drain your energy faster than it drains your bank account. Learn how to differentiate between distinctive work and business essential work and why what you say NO to, can transform your business!

Guest Blogger, Lynn Carnes, Lynn Carnes Associates/Creative Spirits Unleashed